Florida’s Florida Courts
Family Court Acronyms
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Acronym | Meaning | Description |
ABA | American Bar Association | A national organization for legal professionals. |
ACE | Adverse Childhood Experience | A term used to describe negative childhood experiences that have an impact on future violence, victimization, and perpetration. |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act | The federal act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities. |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | A term used to describe methods other than litigation used to settle cases (e.g. mediation or arbitration). |
APD | Agency for Persons with Disabilities | A Florida state agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities. |
AHCA | Agency for Health Care Administration | Florida’s chief health policy and planning entity. |
AJS | College of Advanced Judicial Studies | A large judicial education program, typically held in May or June, for Florida’s judges. |
APPLA | Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement | A permanency option in dependency cases. |
ASFA | Adoption and Safe Families Act | A federal law designed to correct problems in the foster care system and encourage adoption of children with special needs. |
BIP | Batterer Intervention Program | A statutorily mandated 6-month intensive program for respondents to address the root causes of domestic violence and prevent participants from committing acts of domestic violence in the future. |
BOG | Florida Bar Board of Governors (a/k/a “FBBOG”) | The governing body of The Florida Bar. |
BJA | Bureau of Justice Assistance | A division of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. |
CASA | Court Appointed Special Advocate | The national counterpart to Florida’s Guardian ad Litem Program for abused/neglected children. |
CBC | Community Based Care Agency | Private organizations responsible for foster care and services provided to children within the dependency system. |
CC | Community Control | A program created as a diversion to incarceration. |
CCI | Center for Court Innovation | An organization that creates operating programs to test new ideas and solve problems, perform original research to determine what works (and what doesn’t), and provide expert assistance to justice reformers around the world. They currently serve as the national technical assistance provider for drug courts. |
CETF | Court Education Trust Fund | A legislatively established fund developed to ensure a funding source for the support of most judicial education and training activities. It is funded by a surcharge on all civil filings. |
CFSR | Child and Family Services Review | A study conducted by the federal Children's Bureau, within the United States Department of Health and Human Services, to help states improve safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes for children and families who receive services through the child welfare system. |
CINS/FINS | Children in Need of Services, Families in Need of Services | Classification of cases (Chapter 984, Florida Statutes) for youths involved in status offenses. |
CIP | Court Improvement Program | A federal grant used to improve the dependency court process. |
CJ | Chief Judge | A circuit judge who exercises administrative supervision over the trial courts within each circuit. |
CJE | Continuing Judicial Education | The requirement found in Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, rule 2.320, which sets out requirements for judges to complete a minimum of 30 approved credit hours every three years. |
CJIS | Criminal Justice Information System | The central repository of criminal history records for the state of Florida. |
CLS | Children’s Legal Services | Attorneys employed by the Department of Children and Families that represent the state in dependency cases. |
CLE | Continuing Legal Education | A term used to describe compulsory training courses designed for attorneys. |
CM | Close Management | A restrictive form of confinement within the Department of Corrections reserved for inmates who show themselves to be security or management problems. |
CO | Correction Officer | An officer responsible for the supervision, safety, and security of prisoners in a prison, jail, or similar form of secure custody. |
CPI | Child Protective Investigator | A Department of Children and Families’ employee or a sheriff’s employee who investigates allegations involving abused, abandoned, neglected, or exploited children. |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement | A process to ensure programs are systematically and intentionally improving services and increasing positive outcomes for the families they serve. CQI is a data-driven process and involves a “plan, do, study, act” cycle. |
CS/SB | Committee Substitute for a Senate Bill | The replacement of a bill filed by a Florida senator with a committee bill within the Senate. |
CS/HB | Committee Substitute for a House Bill | The replacement of a bill filed by a Florida representative with a committee bill within the House of Representatives. |
CSE | Child Support Enforcement | A program within the Florida Department of Revenue designed to help children get the financial support they need when it is not provided by one or both parents. |
CSHO | Child Support Hearing Officer | A judicial officer responsible for hearing Title IV-D child support cases. |
DC | Disciplinary Confinement | The term used to describe punitive confinement within a prison; DC is ordered when a prisoner is found guilty of violating a rule of conduct. |
DCA | District Court of Appeal | There are six DCAs in Florida. These courts provide the opportunity for thoughtful review of decisions of lower tribunals. |
DCF | Department of Children and Families | A state agency in Florida tasked with providing services that aid families and children in need. |
DEL | Sometimes used as shorthand for delinquency | A term used to describe the system that addresses juveniles who have committed a crime. |
DEP | Sometimes used as shorthand for dependency | A term used to describe the system designed to address children that are dependent upon the state for their welfare. |
DJJ | Department of Juvenile Justice | A state agency in Florida tasked with managing the state’s juvenile justice system. |
DOH | Department of Health | A state agency in Florida tasked with managing health issues in Florida. |
DMC | Disproportionate Minority Contact | The term used to describe situations when differences are found between groups of people who receive different services and treatment due to racial or ethnic background. |
DMS | Department of Management Services | The administrative department for Florida’s government. |
DOAH | Division of Administrative Hearings | An executive branch agency that is responsible for the initial review of challenges to executive agency actions arising under chapter 120 of the Administrative Procedures Act. |
DOC | Department of Corrections | The state agency responsible for the custody of inmates. |
DOE | Department of Education | The name used for both state and national departments that focus on educational issues. |
DOJ | United States Department of Justice | The federal agency that handles all criminal prosecutions and civil suits in which the United States had an interest. |
DOM | Dissolution of Marriage | Another term for divorce. |
DOR | Department of Revenue | The state agency that addresses taxes, child support, and other issues in Florida. |
DRAI | Delinquency Risk Assessment Instrument | A screening tool used by the Department of Juvenile Justice to determine the most appropriate placement for a youth. |
DRC | Dispute Resolution Center | The entity responsible for administering the state courts system’s alternative dispute resolution program and certifying mediators. |
DV | Domestic Violence | “Any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member.” s. 741.28, Florida Statutes. |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program | A 24/7 program offering referrals, counseling, and similar services to state employees. |
EBP | Evidence-Based Practice | Programs or practices that incorporate the best research evidence and the best clinical experience, and are consistent with family/client values. |
ECC | Early Childhood Court | A problem-solving court docket utilized to focus on cases involving children ages 0-3 who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected. |
FA | First Appearance | A defendant’s first appearance in criminal court; at this hearing he/she is advised of the charges. |
FADAA | Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association | An association that represents individuals and Florida’s community-based substance abuse and co-occurring treatment and prevention agencies, managing entities, and community anti-drug coalitions. |
FADCP | Florida Association of Drug Court Professionals | An association that represents drug court professionals. |
FCC | Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Court | A Supreme Court committee designed to establish a fully integrated, comprehensive approach to handling family court cases. |
FCCC | Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers | An association that supports elected clerks of court. |
FCEC | Florida Court Education Council | The governing body for Florida’s judicial education programs. It is composed of representatives of the Florida Conference of County Court Judges, the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges, the Appellate Judges’ Conference, and Florida Court Personnel. |
FCP | Florida Court Personnel | Employees of the Florida Court System. |
FCTC | Florida Courts Technology Commission | Oversees, manages, and directs development of the use of technology within the judicial branch. |
FDCCMS | Florida Drug Court Case Management System | A case management system designed to handle Florida’s drug court, mental health court, and veterans court cases. |
FDCIS | Florida Dependency Court Information System | A web-based case management system that provides the judiciary with resources to ensure timeliness of court events, with a goal of achieving positive outcomes for Florida’s abused and neglected children. |
FDVCIS | Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System | A web-based system that provides the judiciary and court staff with resources and case information regarding domestic violence cases. |
FDLE | Florida Department of Law Enforcement | A state law enforcement agency that provides services in partnership with local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting Florida’s citizens and visitors. |
FIIV | Florida Institute on Interpersonal Violence | A repository within the Office of Court Improvement that provides articles, webinars, videos, and training opportunities to enhance Florida's response to domestic violence. |
FLAFCC | Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts | An association dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes. |
FLAG | Family Law Advisory Group | Local groups created to support and advise the court in the implementation of statewide family court programs. |
FJC | Florida Judicial College a/k/a “New Judges College” | The two-part educational program for new trial and appellate judges. |
FLAIR | Florida Accounting Information Resource | A computer-based accounting system used to perform Florida’s accounting and financial management functions. |
FRS | Florida Retirement System | The State of Florida’s retirement system for public employees including state, county, university, and special districts. |
FY | Fiscal Year | A period of time the government uses for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements; the fiscal year differs from the calendar year. The state fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. The federal fiscal year is from October 1 to September 30. |
GAL | Guardian ad Litem Program | A partnership of community volunteers and professional volunteers that advocate for the best interests of children in dependency cases. |
GAP | Guardianship Assistance Program | A program that provides benefits to a child’s guardian on behalf of the child. Benefits may be in the form of a guardianship assistance payment, a guardianship nonrecurring payment, or Medicaid coverage. |
HB | House Bill | A proposed piece of Florida legislation filed by a House representative or committee. |
ICPC | Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children | A contract among member states and U.S. territories that authorizes them to work together to ensure that children who are placed across state lines for foster care or adoption receive adequate protection and support services. |
IGT | Incentive Gain Time | An incentive for prisoners to participate in productive activities, and to reward prisoners who perform outstanding deeds or services. |
ICWA | Indian Child Welfare Act | A federal law that seeks to ensure placement of American Indian children who are involved in dependency cases with American Indian foster families. |
IEP | Individualized Education Plan | A written document developed for each public school child eligible for special education services. |
IL | Independent Living | A program developed to assist children in foster care in becoming successful adults. |
JA | Judicial Assistant | State or county employees who perform administrative tasks for judges. |
JAC | Justice Administrative Commission | The state agency that manages the employment of public defenders and state attorneys. |
JAC | Juvenile Assessment Center | Receiving centers established around the state for processing youth alleged to have committed delinquent acts. |
JPO | Juvenile Probation Officer | An officer who assesses the needs and risks of youth on probation in Florida and monitors court-ordered sanctions. |
JR | Judicial Review | An evidentiary review by the court to determine the status of the case. |
LEO | Law Enforcement Officer | An officer whose duty it is to enforce the laws. |
MEPA | Multiethnic Placement Act | A federal law passed to reduce delays in the permanent placement of children in out-of-home care. |
NCJFCJ | National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges | An association designed to provide all judges, courts, and related agencies involved with family court cases with the knowledge and skills to improve the lives of the families and children who seek justice. |
NCSC | National Center for State Courts | An association designed to improve the administration of justice through leadership and service to the state courts. |
OCI | Office of Court Improvement | A unit within the Office of the State Courts Administrator that focuses on family court and problem-solving court improvement projects. |
OEL | Office of Early Learning | A division of the Florida Department of Education focused on the educational needs of very young children. |
OFC | Office of Family Courts | A unit within OSCA that was formerly named the Office of Court Improvement |
OJJDP | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention | Federal clearing house on juvenile issues, probably under the auspices of the attorney general. |
OJP | Office of Justice Programs | A division of the U.S. Department of Justice. |
OPPAGA | Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability | The legislative “watchdog” of government business. |
OPS | Other Personnel Services | A temporary employer/employee relationship used solely for the accomplishment of short-term tasks. |
OSCA | Office of the State Courts Administrator | A statewide office that assists Florida’s court system with administrative and policy matters, as well as serves as liaison to the other branches of government. |
PCB | Proposed Committee Bill | A bill proposed by a committee as opposed to an individual legislator. Usually a major bill, such as tort reform. |
PD | Public Defender | A lawyer employed by the state to represent a defendant in a criminal case who cannot afford a private attorney. |
PDR | Predisposition Report | A report usually created by a probation officer that recommends a disposition for a juvenile who has been adjudicated delinquent. |
PSC | Problem-Solving Courts | Problem-solving courts address the root causes of justice system involvement through specialized dockets, multidisciplinary teams, and a non-adversarial approach. Offering evidence-based treatment, judicial supervision, and accountability, problem-solving courts provide individualized interventions for participants, thereby improving public safety, reducing recidivism, restoring lives, and promoting confidence and satisfaction with the justice system process. |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | A mental health condition triggered by a severe injury, psychological shock, or traumatic event. |
RPO | Risk Protection Order | An order restricting the possession of firearms and ammunition by a person who poses a danger to himself, herself, or others. |
RTI | Road to Independence Program | Transition services offered to youth formerly in foster care so that they can become self-sufficient adults. |
SA or SAO | State Attorney | A lawyer employed by the state to represent the interests of the state in a legal proceeding. |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that focuses on improving the quality and availability of preventative, treatment, and rehabilitative services for people experiencing problems with substance abuse and/or mental illness. |
SB | Senate Bill | A proposed piece of Florida legislation filed by a senator or Senate committee. |
SIPP | Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program | A residential treatment program for youth with emotional disturbances. |
SJP | School-Justice Partnership | A collaborative effort among courts, schools, state agencies, service providers, and law enforcement agencies to keep children in school and out of court. |
SRL | Self-represented Litigant A/K/A “Pro Se Litigant” | A party in a court case that is not represented by an attorney. |
SRO | School Resource Officer | A law enforcement officer who works on a school campus. |
STOP Grants | Services, Training, Officers, Prosecutors Formula grants | Federal grants related to the Violence Against Women Act. |
SV | Sexual Violence | A sexual act committed against someone without that person's freely given consent. |
TCA | Trial Court Administrators | The court administrators in each circuit. |
TIC | Trauma Informed Care | An organizational structure and treatment framework that involves identifying, understanding, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. |
TPR | Termination of Parental Rights | The dependency court process used to legally remove a person’s parental rights. |
UFC | Unified Family Court | A fully integrated, comprehensive approach to handling all cases involving children and families, while at the same time resolving family disputes in a fair, timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner. This term is outdated; the more recent term of art is “Family Court.” |
UCCJEA | Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act | The federal act that governs which court has authority to deal with child custody issues when the parties are found in separate states. |
UIFSA | Uniform Interstate Family Support Act | The federal act that governs how child support is collected and enforced when the parties are found in separate states. |
UPL | Unlicensed Practice of Law | The term used when a person engages in the practice of law without a valid license. |
USCIS | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | A unit within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that handles immigration issues, work permits, etc. |
VOP | Violation of Probation | The term used to describe an act that breaks the rules after a person has been released from detention. |
Last Modified: September 06, 2024